Video, summary, and presentations.
The Webinar took place on November 26, 2020.
Cities are key players when it comes to climate change. They not only contribute to climate change, they are also affected by the expected impacts. Many of the activities in research projects focus on large cities, as the concentration of people and infrastructures, but also the economic value creation is higher here. Even though, small and medium-sized municipalities are equally affected by climate change with very specific associated challenges, they are not as much in the research focus as larger cities and metropolitan areas. Some of the challenges are the financial and structural conditions, or the availability of human resources. All of these issues make it a real challenge to integrate climate change adaptation into the everyday work of local decision-makers in politics and administration. Consequently, solutions that can be successful in larger cities are not always transferable to small and medium-sized municipalities. This webinar aims to provide a forum to discuss these challenges of climate change adaptation and possible solutions for small and medium-sized municipalities. We will learn about the specific challenges in the introductory talk of a representative of a medium-sized municipality. This presentation is followed by a second talk showcasing some of the solutions that have been co-developed and tested in the LIFE LOCAL ADAPT project. The final talk will provide insights in how multiplier organisations support adaptation processes in small to medium sized municipalities and help transfer research outputs in practical implementation. After this there will be ample time for questions and discussion.
- Jana Putnina: representative of the municipality of Valka / Latvia — download presentation (pdf)
- Majana Heidenreich: representative of the LIFE LOCAL ADAPT project (TU Dresden) — download presentation (pdf)
- Vaselios Latinos: representative of the Convenant of Mayors (ICLEI) — download presentation (pdf)