The SPECS project has produced a series of dissemination activities. You can get a quick overview of definitions, and the performance of seasonal and decadal climate predictions in these SPECS factsheets:
Fact sheet #6: Tropical Cyclone Forecasts (May 2015)
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According to the SPECS Dissemination work package, the fact sheets will be two-page long documents that intend to introduce basic concepts of climate prediction and key-aspects of s2d forecasting to a wide audience that ranges from stakeholders sensitive to climate variability to the stakeholder. They use simple language and illustrative graphics, and intend to narrow the gap between operational climate predictors and society in a similar way as climate-change scientists have done in the recent past. This activity will be jointly coordinated by the Project Office with the Met Office, will be developed along the life of the project receiving contributions from many SPECS partners (depending on their expertise), always in close consultation with key EUPORIAS partners and the SPECS stakeholders to ensure that an opportunity exists for the users and the public to provide continuous feedback, and will provide basic information for the expected link between SPECS and the Climate4impact portal. This sort of material does not exist anywhere yet and is expected to lead the way for a more “down-to-Earth” approach in the communication of climate prediction and its usefulness.The publication of the fact sheets is subject to the project’s progress and to the validation by the EUPORIAS (Grant Agreement 308291) partners, who will be the testers of these documents in an iterative process ensured by the coordination. The efficiency of this process is ensured because the EUPORIAS project is closely linked to SPECS and also participates actively in the European initiative European Climate Observations Modelling and Services (ECOMS) under work package WP1.3. The close cooperation with EUPORIAS will ensure that the SPECS fact sheets address relevant themes and use the adequate language to attract the attention of the readers.