Research and Innovation for Climate Services
Report on the synergy and mismatch analysis
Authors: Roger Street (UKCIP), Petra Manderscheid (BELSPO / JPI Climate); Ines Alterio (ANR), Lisa Bettington
(NERC), Margaret Desmond (EPA/University College Cork), Marc Kierans (EPA); Harilaos Loukos (The climate
data factory), Andrea Sharpe (NERC), Tara Shine (Independent Consultant on Climate Justice, Environment and
Sustainable Development)
“We have taken stock in this report – an overview and critical analysis of available evidence –
of what is going on in research and innovation to support climate services and pinpoint
issues related to existing and potential complementarities and synergies; highlighting similar
activities that are going on in different places that could possibly collaborate more
effectively to enhance their added value in terms of impact and cost effectiveness. We have
also highlighted what appear to be duplicative or missed opportunities, and gaps in research
and knowledge. The aim in doing so is to provide insights into the potential roles of JPI
Climate, its members and others involved in research and innovation supporting climate
services and in so doing to inform the development of a joint vision and implementation
strategy on research and innovation for climate services in Europe and beyond”.