This paper presents recommendations for the next Horizon Europe framework program for the cluster related to “Climate science and solutions”. It emphasizes how research and innovation activities in the fields of climate modelling and climate services can contribute to improving climate knowledge and information to users in order to enhance the European capacity to transition to a sustainable and resilient society. Climate models are extensively used to provide a better understanding of key processes underlying climate change on a range of timescales from months to decades, and to investigate and describe possible future climates. This infor- mation serves as a scientific basis for climate services that aim to provide tailored information to decision and policy-makers. Climate models and climate services are crucial elements for supporting the policy on mi- tigation and adaptation to climate change and for building a society more resilient to climate-related risks. Recommendations have been elaborated within the Climateurope H2020 coordination and support action with an expert group and are summarized below.
Steering and Coordinating Committee:
Sylvie Joussaume (CNRS/IPSL), Francesca Guglielmo (CNRS/IPSL), Janette Bessembinder (KNMI), Vladimir Dju- rdjevic (RHMSS / University of Belgrade), Francisco Doblas Reyes (BSC), Natalie Garrett (MetOffice), Chris Hewitt (MetOffice), Isadora Christel Jiménez (BSC), Erik Kjellström (SMHI), Aleksandra Krzic (RHMSS), Asuncion Lera St. Clair (BSC), María Máñez (HZG-GERICS)
Other members of the Expert Group:
Mario Acosta (BSC), Dragana Bojovic (BSC), Laurent Bopp (IPSL-LMD), Olivier Boucher (IPSL), Pascale Braconnot (IPSL-LSCE), Carlo Buontempo (ECMWF), Markus Donat (BSC), Eric Hoa (Climate-KIC), Bart van den Hurk (Deltares), Daniela Jacob (HZG-GERICS), Colin Jones (NCAS/
University of Leeds), Filip Lefebre (VITO), Jaroslav Mysiak (CMCC), Slobodan Nickovic (RHMSS / University of
Belgrade), Steffen M. Olsen (DMI), Mark R. Payne (DTU), Adriaan Perrels (FMI), Joeri Rogelj (Imperial College), Roger Street (U. Oxford), Jean-Noel Thepaut (ECMWF), Alberto Troccoli (UEA/WEMC), Pier Luigi Vidale (NCAS), Ilaria Vigo (BSC)