From the Climateurope project, nine recommendations are presented to enhance the European capacity to transition to a sustainable and resilient society. The project brought together scientists and climate services users, and analyzed lessons learned from the past, the gaps that exist in the process between climate modelling and climate services, high-level research topics to be pursued. The project organized expert groups, webinars, Festivals, a Webstival and is developed a website to make all this content available.
In its five years of activity, the project Climateurope – Linking science and society has developed a series of actions and activities to create a framework, enhance and coordinate interaction among all climate service value-chain actors. Earth System Models are part of this chain that begins at one end with climate information, transform the results of climate science into tools, services, and activities that support a vast range of users, including the public sector, governments, businesses, and industry.
This policy brief summarizes results from Climateurope’s activities, intending to provide useful information to support the European capacity to transition to a sustainable and climate resilient society. This includes the recommendations produced by an expert group to the next Horizon Europe framework program for the cluster related to “Climate science and solutions”, the network created and coordinated within the project, a series of digital events (webstivals and webinars), and the website and social media, that will remain online and accessible beyond the end of project activities.
Policy Brief n.4 – Climateurope, linking science and society: recommendations and legacy
Edited by Mauro Buonocore (CMCC), Silvio Gualdi (CMCC), and Janette Bessembinder (KNMI)