Climateurope jest:
- Ogólnoeuropejską siecią dla naukowców, dostawców i użytkowników informacji o klimacie
- Miejscem wymiany dobrych praktyk, zaleceń i informacji o zidentyfikowanych lukach oraz prezentacji aktualnego stanu wiedzy na temat obserwacji i modelowania klimatu, jak również usług w tej dziedzinie
- Możliwością aktywnej interakcji z użytkownikami i dostawcami informacji o klimacie.
Mission Statement
Coordinate and support Europe’s knowledge base to enable better management of climate-related risks and opportunities, thereby creating greater social and economic value
Through significant and sustained investments from the European Commission and national governments, Europe is currently at the leading edge of Earth-System modeling and climate service development. This has the potential to directly improve the lives of European citizens who face the impacts of climate variability and extreme weather events and need to adapt to and mitigate a changing climate.
Changes in the climate are affecting many sectors but the audience of decision- and policy-makers is so wide and varied that the requirements from each application can be quite different. There are a growing number of initiatives at the international and European level, from research networks of data providers, operational services, impact assessments, to coordination of government initiatives and provision of policy relevant recommendations; all provided on a wide range of timescales. The landscape of activities is very diverse.
Users and providers of climate information currently face significant challenges in understanding this complex landscape. If we are to maximize the benefits of the investments and provide European citizens with the information and technology to develop a climate-smart society, then a mechanism is needed to coordinate the impressive and varied research and innovation effort.
The overall concept behind Climateurope is to create and manage a framework to coordinate, integrate and support Europe’s research and innovation activities in the fields of Earth-System modeling and climate services. The purpose of this concept is to create greater social and economic value for Europe through improved preparation for, and management of, climate-related risks and opportunities arising from making European world-class knowledge more useable and thus more applicable to policy- and decision-making.
This value will be felt by a range of actors including the public sector, governments, business and industry.
Climateurope will provide a comprehensive overview of all the relevant activities to ensure the society at large can take full advantage of the investment Europe is making in research and innovation and associated development of services.
Climateurope is a project funded by the European Commission under the Framework Program Horizon2020 – Project ref. 689029