S2S4E Sub-seasonal to Seasonal climate predictions for Energy Climate Services / Climate Services - Explore / Explore / PROJECTS / Projects & Initiatives - Climate Services

The S2S4E project will create an operational climate service that will enable renewable energy producers and providers, electricity network managers and policy makers to design better informed strategies at sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales.

Renewable energy generation and operational planning are strongly affected by weather and climate. This causes wide variations in the energy demand and supply, which constitutes a challenge for the integration of renewable energy in the energy mix. To help solve this problem, S2S4E will offer an innovative service to improve renewable energy variability management by developing new research methods exploring the frontiers of weather conditions for future weeks and months. The main output of S2S4E will be a user co-designed Decision Support Tool that for the first time integrates sub-seasonal to seasonal (S2S) climate predictions with renewable energy production and electricity demand.

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