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Met Office
The Met Office is the UK’s national weather service and a centre of excellence in weather and climate science and is the coordinator of the Climateurope project.
National Research Agency - ANR
ANR is France’s national research agency. It funds project-based research in all science fields (both basic and applied research) through an internationally compliant competitive peer review process. ANR is also currently chairing the governing board of JPI Climate and coordinating the ERA4CS ERA-NET Cofund action for climate services.
Barcelona Supercomputing Center – BSC
BSC, formed in 2005, has a mission to research, develop and manage information technology in order to facilitate scientific progress. At the BSC, more than 350 people from 40 different countries perform and facilitate research into computer, life and earth sciences as well as applications in science and engineering. The BSC is one of the four hosting members of the European PRACE Research Infrastructure as well as one of the first eight Spanish “Severo Ochoa Centre of Excellence” awarded by the Spanish Government. The Earth Sciences Department is the one engaged in Climateurope. Its main goal is to develop an environmental prediction capability based on the best knowledge in high-performance computing and big data, and to efficiently transfer the outcome to society.
Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici - CMCC
CMCC is a non-profit research institution. Its mission is to investigate and model our climate system and its interactions with society to provide reliable, rigorous, and timely scientific results, which will in turn stimulate sustainable growth, protect the environment, and develop science-driven adaptation and mitigation policies in a changing climate.CMCC also supports policymakers in setting and assessing costs of mitigation and adaptation policies.
Climate-KIC (UK) Limited
Climate-KIC is Europe’s largest public-private innovation partnership, working together to address the challenge of climate change. Climate-KIC drives innovation in climate change through creative partnerships large and small, local and global, between the private, public and academic sectors. All partners bring their industry experience to the community and are connected through a national or regional centre.Climate-KIC connects global and local, small and large partners from the private, public and academic sectors. The split across the three sectors is approximately 50% business, 30% academic and 20% public and not for profit.
European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts - ECMWF
ECMWF is both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing and disseminating numerical weather predictions (NWPs) to its Member States. This data is fully available to the national meteorological services in the Member States. The Centre also offers a catalogue of forecast data that can be purchased by businesses worldwide and other commercial customers. The supercomputer facility (and associated data archive) atECMWF is one of the largest of its type in Europe and Member States can use 25% of its capacity for their own purposes.
Climate Service Center Germany - HZG-GERICS
The Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht Zentrum für Material- und Küstenforschung GmbH (HZG) is one of 18 members of the Helmholtz Association of German Research Centres, Germany’s largest science organization. HZG is located in Geesthacht near Hamburg with branches in Teltow near Berlin and in Hamburg, with a total staff of approximately 900 employees, including about 650 scientists, engineers and technicians.
The Climate Service Center Germany (HZG-GERICS) was initiated by the German Federal Government in 2009 as a fundamental part of the German hightech-strategy for climate protection. Since June 2014, it is a scientific organizational entity of HZG. HZG-GERICS is located in Hamburg with a current staff size of about 40 employees. HZG-GERICS offers in a scientifically sound manner products, advisory services and decision-relevant information in order to support government, administration and business in their efforts to adapt to climate change. It builds up a national and international network structure in order to integrate existing competences and knowledge, and to link various actors within the complex area of climate change.
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - CNRS
CNRS is the main French public research institution under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research. CNRS acts here in the name of the Institut Pierre Simon Laplace (IPSL), which is a federal institute located in Paris and is composed of nine research laboratories working on global environmental and climate studies. IPSL gathers about 1,000 scientists and represents more than a third of the French research potential in atmospheric and oceanic sciences. One of the main objectives of IPSL is to understand climate variability, both natural and anthropogenic, and future evolution, at global and regional scales. IPSL’s work relies on the development of Earth system models of different complexity. IPSL is strongly involved in IPCC Working Group 1. IPSL chairs the scientific board of ENES and coordinates the infrastructure projects IS-ENES and IS-ENES2. IPSL is also involved in several EU projects related to Earth system modelling.
Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute - KNMI
KNMI is the national research and information centre for weather, seismology, climate and climate change in the Netherlands.KNMI has a long tradition in operational and scientific activities. Climate research at KNMI is focussed on observing, understanding and predicting changes in the climate system. KNMI produces climate scenarios to support stakeholders for developing adaptation and mitigation strategies. KNMI has initiated the development of the global climate model EC-Earth and has been a leading partner in the consortium ever since. KNMI will co-lead WP6 of the Action, exploiting the wide expertise it has with matching user requests for climate information with scientifically based assessments of (regional) climate change, and the interplay between climate and (extreme) weather.
Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia - RHMSS
The Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia (RHMSS) is an organization within the state administration of Serbia that carries out monitoring, research, weather analysis and forecasting. It also provides meteorological and hydrological support to air, land and river traffic and issues early warnings and alarms in the event of atmospheric and hydrological disasters and catastrophes as a public service with an important role in the protection of human lives and the mitigation of material damage. The RHMSS also has international obligations in the field of meteorology and hydrology.
Concerning the activities in climate change field, theRHMSS hosts the sub-regional South East European Virtual Climate Change Centre (SEEVCCC), supports SEE countries by providing continuous information on sub-regional climate change projections, impacts, vulnerability and adaptation options through its operational, research, coordination and educational functions.
Within the Climateurope projectRHMSS is the co-leader of WP4 – Forward-looking recommendations, leader of the task “Assess new challenges and emerging needs for Earth system modelling and climate services”, as well as co-leader of deliverables on integration of Earth system modelling and climate services and co-developing climate services with users.
In addition,RHMSS participates in WP3 – Mapping and analysis of current Earth system modelling and climate service activities, in preparation of deliverable “Matching new demands of climate services with evolving Earth system modelling and prediction capabilities”.
Swedish Meteorological & Hydrological Institute - SMHI
SMHI is a government agency under the Swedish Ministry of Environment, offering products to support decision-making in the environmental sector. SMHI is responsible for national meteorological, hydrological and oceanographic forecasting and the production of climate change projections. The main fields of research include weather and climate modelling, data assimilation, hydrology, oceanography and air quality. Climate research is a cross departmental activity, with all six research sections contributing to the development of climate projections, impact assessments and communication with stakeholders, regional authorities and major utilities.
Within ClimatEurope, SMHI is leading Work Package 3 on “Mapping and analysis of current Earth system modelling and climate service activities”. There the state of the art in Earth-system modelling to support climate services will be assessed through targeted expertise from the network, and through dialogue between users, providers and researchers. Three reports on the state of the art in Earth-system modelling and climate services will be produced: European Earth System Modelling for Climate Services; Progress on the Integration of Climate Services and Earth System Modelling; Matching New Demands of Climate Services with Evolving Earth System Modelling and Prediction Capabilities.