Interaction with users has become important for the development of climate services and for the dissemination of results of many projects on climate change and climate adaptation. Besides face-to-face meetings there is also a lot of attention for user interface platforms (UIPs). However, almost all projects develop their own website for this. During this webinar 2 speakers tell what was the idea behind the set-up of their UIP, what were the challenges and whether they have the idea that they reached the users well. After the presentations we will discuss what we can learn from experiences form different projects on the interaction with users via these UIPs.
- Juan José Sáenz de la Torre: works as science communicator at Predictia Intelligent Data Solutions. For the PRIMAVERA-project, Predictia helped design and implement a User Interface Platform (uip.primavera-h2020.eu/) where a large range of results from the project are shown — download presentation (pdf)
- Hasse Goosen: is director of Climate Adaptation Services (CAS). CAS developed the Dutch website on spatial adaptation (www.ruimtelijkeadaptatie.nl), which gives an overview of a large range of activities and tools for climate adaptation among others the Dutch Climate Impact Atlas. He was also involved in, among others, the development of the C3S Sectoral Information System on water SWICCA — download presentation (pdf)