Events Calendar

A calendar of international conferences, workshops, seminars, and all kinds of event related to Climateurope activities and topics: Climate Services, Climate Observation, and Earth-System modeling

May – June 2016 May – Jun 2016
Adaptation Futures 2016
May 10 – May 13 all-day

Adaptation Futures 2016 was organized in May 2016 in Rotterdam, it was a full house with over 1700 people participating from more than 100 countries, people from the business community, from governments and non-governmental organizations, scientists and practitioners. The meeting report contains short reports of all sessions, many pictures and key messages and impressions from the Scientific and the Practice Advisory Committees.

International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-CORDEX 2016
May 17 – May 20 all-day

The International Conference on Regional Climate (ICRC)-CORDEX 2016 will bring together the international community involved in regional climate research focusing on high resolution climate information, and its applications to the vulnerability, impacts and adaptation community and the full spectrum of potential end users of regional climate information. It will further promote the CORDEX vision to advance and coordinate the science and application of regional climate downscaling through global partnerships.

For more information click here!

Program available here.

3rd London Planning for Climate Change Conference
Jun 2 all-day

The 3rd London Planning for Climate Change Conference will take place at Westminster, London on the 2nd June 2016 It promises to be a great day, with up to 15 Speakers and 100 delegates coming together to discuss a range of key issues relating to Climate Change Adaptation Strategies, Polices to Mitigate against the negative effects of Climate Changes and also to look at a number of innovative case studies that aim to promote Sustainable Communities and Economies within the context of an increasingly changing climate.

Details of how to book a place as a Speaker or Delegate at the event can be found at the ‘Book Now Page’. However, in summary the cost to attend as a Delegate/Speaker is £180 plus VAT or if you are a Researcher/Student the Reduced Delegate/Speaker Fee is £90 plus VAT. If you do want to book a Place/Speaker and would rather making a booking via email as opposed to our Online Booking Page please just email here us here with your requirements.

13th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology
Jun 6 – Jun 10 all-day

The 13th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology will be held in Canmore, Alberta from June 6th to 10th, 2016. The meetings, which have been held roughly every three years since 1979, are organized by independent statisticians, climatologists and atmospheric scientists. The meetings facilitate communication between the science and statistics communities and promote good statistical practice in climate and atmospheric science. The local organizer of the 13th meeting is Dr. Francis Zwiers. This meeting is sponsored by the Pacific Climate Impacts Consortium, the World Climate Research Program, the Canadian Statistical Sciences Institute and Environment and Climate Change Canada.

Contributions are invited in all aspects of the application of statistical methods in climate research and the development of new statistical methods and theories relevant to climate applications. In addition, a number of named sessions are planned, including: climate data homogenization and climate trends/variability assessment, the Detection and Attribution Model Intercomparison Project (DAMIP) and relevant applications, The WCRP Grand Challenge on extremes, the attribution of extreme weather events and their impacts to external drivers of climate change, understanding climate variability and its teleconnections under global warming, extreme value theory and its applications, nonlinear methods in statistical climatology, statistical approaches for weather and climate model validation and evaluation, advanced methods for evaluating weather and climate extremes in climate model simulations, statistical downscaling of climate model simulations, and the stochastic analysis of the hydrologic cycle.

The deadline for submitting an abstract is Feb. 29th, 2016.

World Conference on Disaster Management 2016 @ Internatinal Centre
Jun 7 – Jun 8 all-day

The World Conference on Disaster Management is the largest and most prestigious in North America!
Premium Accredited Education
50+ education sessions, pre and post conference training, international poster research all recognized by the leading industry associations.
Best Professional Networking
Attended by over 1500 professionals from more than 40 countries worldwide covering multiple public and private sectors at all levels, from individual contributors to strategic leaders; access to keynote speakers and presenters.
Extraordinary Content
91% of attendees rated WCDM “as good as or better than” other educational conferences.

May – June 2016 May – Jun 2016

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