Events Calendar

A calendar of international conferences, workshops, seminars, and all kinds of event related to Climateurope activities and topics: Climate Services, Climate Observation, and Earth-System modeling

October 2016 Oct 2016
European Transport Conference @ Casa Convalescencia, Barcelona, Spain
Oct 5 – Oct 7 all-day

The Association for European Transport is pleased to announce the 44th European Transport Conference, to be held in Barcelona, Spain.

European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services (ECOMS) Conference
Oct 5 – Oct 7 all-day

The European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services (ECOMS) Conference will be hosted by the Met Office. It will welcome 200 invited participants as well as speakers and panellists representing leading research institutions and international organisations including the European Commission, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and World Climate Research Programme (WCRP).

International Conference on Climate Science and Climate Services @ FitzRoy Road, Exeter, Devon EX1 3PB, United Kingdom
Oct 5 – Oct 7 all-day

200 invited participants with speakers and panellists from leading research institutions, international organisations, the European Commission, IPCC and WCRP

The European Climate Observations, Modelling and Services (ECOMS) initiative was formed in June 2012 to ensure close coordination and cooperation across European Commission funded climate modelling and climate services projects and to act as an advisory group / think tank to identify priorities and research and investment needs in the field of climate modelling and services. ECOMS is promoted by the European Commission and led by three European projects: SPECS, EUPORIAS and NACLIM. It includes representatives of all the other European framework programme 7 projects on climate research and infrastructure.

Climate Change 2016
Oct 10 – Oct 11 all-day

COP 21 marked a watershed moment for global cooperation to tackle climate change, and the Paris Agreement has been hailed as a ‘game changer’ by many. Nevertheless, four years before the Agreement is implemented, some important issues remain unresolved and a number have emerged. Beyond the negotiations, could low fossil fuel prices and a fragile global economy weaken the resolve of governments to deliver, or over-deliver, on their commitments? This conference will explore issues including:

  • The implications of the Paris outcome for capital investment, innovation and planning in the public and private sectors;
  • Dynamics within and between the major emitters and the prospects for greater near-term ambition, including potential outcomes of the 2016 US presidential election;
  • The outlook for hydrocarbon prices and the implications for low-carbon policies in developed and developing countries;
  • How $1 trillion of investment in clean energy can be mobilized;
  • The feasibility and implications of a major effort to develop carbon sinks and negative emissions technologies.
HELIX 3rd Annual Meeting
Oct 11 – Oct 13 all-day

HELIX 3rd annual meeting  will be held in Potsdam, Germany, from the  11th to the 13th of October.

 HELIX is assisting decision-makers and the research community in making adaptation to our changing climate more understandable and manageable by providing a set of credible, coherent, global and regional views of different worlds at 2, 4 and 6°C, with further focus on delivering the knowledge needs of Northern Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia and Europe.

More information about HELIX here!

FOOD 2030: Research & Innovation for Tomorrow’s Nutrition & Food Systems
Oct 12 – Oct 13 all-day

At the 2015 Milan World Expo (link) Commissioner for Research and Innovation, Carlos Moedas, announced his intention to launch a Food Research Area by World Food Day 2016, presenting a single thematic Research and Innovation narrative built on a number of key Food and Nutrition Security priorities:
NUTRITION: Reducing hunger and malnutrition, addressing food safety and diet-related disease, and helping citizens adopt sustainable diets and healthy lives
CLIMATE: Building climate and global change-resilient food systems
CIRCULARITY: Implementing sustainability and circular economy principles across food systems
INNOVATION: Boosting innovation and investment, while empowering communities
FOOD 2030 builds of this intention and is a timely EU research and innovation policy response to the recent international policy developments including the SDGs and COP21 commitments.

International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation 2016 – CCA 2016 @ International Hall International Living Learning Centre Ryerson University
Oct 15 – Oct 16 all-day

Climate Change Adaptation 2016 is an interactive platform to connect and reconnect colleagues around the world. You can meet participants from 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015 conferences as well as new participants in this conference. CCA 2016 conference is the premier knowledge building event in Canada.

Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target – IV SISC Conference @ Università di Cagliari, Italy - AULA MAGNA – FACOLTA’ DI INGEGNERIA E ARCHITETTURA
Oct 19 – Oct 20 all-day

The 2016 Annual Conference of the Italian Society for Climate Sciences (SISC), entitled “Climate challenges and solutions under the 2°C target”,  it aims to foster the scientific debate among scientists, policy and decision makers (Italians and foreigners), NGOs members and other stakeholders whose activities are focused on climate change, as well as its relationships with the environment and socio-economic systems, opportunities and solutions helping in respecting the recent Paris Agreement.

The Conference is organized by SISC in cooperation with others Italian Institutions.

Scientific societies, Institutions and Associations dealing with the study of one of the most important issue of our times, its impacts and its socio-economic implications, team up their experiences and their expertise and share them with the participation of

  • renowned keynote speakers at the national and at the international level
  • experts gathering in parallel sessions for scientific multidisciplinary in-depth analyses
  • decision makers and experienced people whose activities are related to the scientific knowledge on climate
European Union and Sustainable Development: Challenges and Prospects
Oct 19 – Oct 21 all-day

The objective of this conference is to assess the current challenges Europe faces regarding sustainable development policy, bring together stakeholders from different sectors and to address the prospects for further progress in this area.

The conference organizers welcome papers on the following topics:

  • The role of sustainable development in policy development and strategy of the European Union
  • Alternative economic and social models
  • Cultural and hermeneutical dimensions of sustainable development
  • European Education of Sustainable Development
  • National sustainable development strategies
  • Role, involvement and achievements of civil society
Workshop on climate change induced transformation of farming systems
Oct 19 – Oct 20 all-day

FACCE-JPI will organize the Cluster 2 Workshop “Support by policy and research for adaptation to climate change in farming systems and food-related industries”.
As outlined in the current Implementation Plan of FACCE-JPI, the Governing Board chose a number of actions for each Core Theme as well as a number of cross-cutting actions to be carried out in the period 2016-2018. One of the Cross-Cutting Topics that was identified is the climate change induced transformation of farming systems towards alternative types of production and links with changes in logistics and relocation of industries investments.

In this regard FACCE-JPI will organize the Cluster 2 Workshop “Support by policy and research for adaptation to climate change in farming systems and food-related industries”.

The workshop will take place 19–20 October 2016 at BMEL in Bonn. The Cluster 2 workshop will explore how models and modelling activities can contribute to integrate existing knowledge and how research can fulfil the needs of decision-makers at national and European level.

More information at this page

October 2016 Oct 2016

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