Events Calendar

A calendar of international conferences, workshops, seminars, and all kinds of event related to Climateurope activities and topics: Climate Services, Climate Observation, and Earth-System modeling

October 2016 – January 2017 Oct 2016 – Jan 2017
International Conference on Sustainable Smart Manufacturing (S2M)
Oct 20 – Oct 22 all-day

S2M 2016 is a three day conference, taking place in Lisbon this October 20-22, jointly organized by the Faculty of Architecture, University of Lisbon, and The University of Manchester, with a wide variety of plenary and parallel sessions and inspiring keynote speakers, aiming to foster transdisciplinary research and innovation in the fields of manufacturing, design, architecture and construction, with a focus on a new culture of eco-design and innovation, towards smarter and sustainable manufacturing systems.

CLIPC – Dissemination and Evaluation Workshop @ Marivaux Hotel, Congress and Seminar Centre
Oct 20 @ 9:00 am – 4:30 pm

Are you working with climate data, processed data products and climate models or climate change impact indicators?

Are you interested in getting quick and easy access to comprehensive and authoritative Europe-wide climate and climate impact data more quickly and easily than before? Then the demonstration of the ‘Climate Information Platform for Copernicus’ (CLIPC) will be of interest to you.
Please join us to discover this new portal!

At this workshop the final CLIPC Climate information portal will be presented and the different features tested “live” by participants in various breakout sessions. The usefulness and future opportunities of the climate information portal and the impact indicator toolbox will be discussed. Broadening the discussion in a session with a panel of key people in European climate research and policy and the audience, the workshop will then move to challenges for the next generation climate services and define the steps required to further improve climate data access and use. Both users and providers of climate and impact data are encouraged to participate.

ENES Community Meeting Reading 2016 @ Reading
Oct 25 – Oct 27 all-day

ENES is holding a community meeting in Reading (UK) on the 25th, 26th and 27th of October, supported by IS-ENES2 to discuss the future infrastructure strategy for earth system modelling. The meeting is expected to run from midday Tuesday, to mid-day Thursday.

CLIMATEUROPE 1st WEBINAR @ Webex platform
Oct 28 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am
CLIMATEUROPE 1st WEBINAR @ Webex platform

Get videos and presentations in the Webinars section

The BSC, as the institution responsible of Climateurope’s deliverable D4.1 “Integrating Earth System Modelling and Climate Services”, is pleased to announce the first webinar of the WP4 expert group.

The webinar, the first of a series, will consist in two talks given by experts external to Climateurope:

* Andrea Taylor (Univ. Leeds): Communicating uncertainty in climate information: Insights from the behavioural sciences
* Geert Jan van Oldenborgh (KNMI): Event attribution, from research to climate service

The talks will last 15 minutes and will be followed by a brief round of questions from the audience. The last part of the webinar will be devoted to a moderated discussion to address the following two questions relevant to Climateurope:

* Which challenges for climate modelling and observations are raised by climate services?
* How to manage the situation with the H2020 work program where climate services shows a tendency to be better funded than climate observations, model development and infrastructure?

The webinar, which will be recorded and made available on the project web site, can be followed via webex on this link

Science meets parliaments 2016
Nov 8 all-day

Following on from the success of Science meets parliaments in 2015, the JRC will organise the 2016 edition on 8 November 2016 in Brussels.
The event will bring together Members of the European Parliament (MEP) and scientists in a series of bilateral meetings, as well as the now established Science and Technology Options Assessment (STOA) MEP-Scientist Pairing Scheme.

Climate models and climate data: confusion and misinformation vs. scientific reality @ Manchester Statistical Society
Nov 8 @ 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm

On Tuesday 8 November 2016, at 5:30 pm, Manchester Statistical Society will hold a meeting at 10 Cateaton Street, Manchester M3 1SQ.
Professor Stephan Lewandowsky, University of Bristol, will talk on: “Climate models and climate data: confusion and misinformation versus scientific reality”.
Stephan Lewandowsky is a cognitive scientist with an interest in computational modelling. He is interested in how people update their memories if things they believe turn out to be false and this has led him to examine the persistence of misinformation in society, and how myths and misinformation can spread. He has become particularly interested in the variables that determine whether or not people accept scientific evidence about climate models.
It is essential to register for this event by 1 November by emailing the Honorary Secretary of Manchester Statistical Society email:
Manchester Statistical Society is dedicated to debating the significant social and economic issues of the day rather than mathematical aspects of statistics.

Communicating Climate Change
Nov 10 – Nov 11 all-day

How can scientific and technical evidence about climate change be made more accessible to diverse audiences to support their decision-making?

This two-day interdisciplinary workshop in London UK, organised by the School of Psychology, University of East Anglia, will bring together expertise from the cognitive science, psychology, climate science and policy-making communities, with the goal of improving accessibility to climate science evidence.

Up-to-date understandings on presenting complex scientific information for decision-making, such as data presented in graphs and maps, and through language, will be presented and discussed. Future research goals and opportunities for collaboration will also be explored.

Nov 16 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am


“Climate services and infectious disease: the case of meningococcal meningitis epidemics” by Carlos Pérez García-Pando, BSC, Barcelona, Spain

“Linking climate modelling research infrastructure and climate services” by Sylvie Joussaume, LSCE-IPSL, France

After the talk, the following questions will be raised for discussion:

  • Which challenges for climate modelling and observations are raised by climate services?
  • How to manage the situation with the H2020 workprogramme where climate services show a tendency to be better funded than climate observations, model development and infrastructure?


ClimatEurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The ClimatEurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity. Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit ClimatEurope website or join our network.

Dec 12 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am


“SEVCCC experience in providing climate services in South East Europe” by Vladimir Djurdjevic, South East European Virtual Climate Change Center (SEVCCC), Belgrade, Serbia

“Use of climate data and information in the insurance industry” by Tom Philp, XLCatlin

After the talk, the following questions will be raised for discussion:

  • Which challenges for climate modelling and observations are raised by climate services?
  • What are the barriers that prevent a faster development of a climate services market?


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

Jan 23 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am


“Copernicus Climate Change Services: early reflections on its implications for climate research and for the development of useful services” by Carlo Buontempo, ECMWF, UK

“User-relevant climate predictions: the path of climate indices” by Mark Liniger, Meteoswiss, Switzerland


After the talk, the following questions will be raised for discussion:

  • Which challenges for climate modelling and observations are raised by climate services?
  • What are the barriers that prevent a faster development of a climate services market?


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

October 2016 – January 2017 Oct 2016 – Jan 2017

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