A calendar of international conferences, workshops, seminars, and all kinds of event related to Climateurope activities and topics: Climate Services, Climate Observation, and Earth-System modeling
The EGU General Assembly 2017 will bring together geoscientists from all over the world to one meeting covering all disciplines of the Earth, planetary and space sciences. The EGU aims to provide a forum where scientists, especially early career researchers, can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience. The EGU is looking forward to cordially welcoming you in Vienna.
Convener: Janette Bessembinder
During this session information will be presented about Climateurope, a European Coordination project on Climate Observations, Modelling and Climate Services. Climateurope will coordinate and support Europe’s knowledge base, to enable better management of climate-related risks and opportunities and create greater social and economic value. This will be achieved by creating synergies between different European, national and international initiatives in the fields of Earth-system modelling and climate services through a managed network. The Climateurope network will facilitate dialog among climate science communities, funding bodies, climate service providers and users. So farm, the project has developed a website, where information from many European initiatives, projects, events is collected, an Internet communication Platform is developed for discussion with stakeholders, regular webinars are organized and a first State-of-the-art review is finished , connecting Earth System Mo delling and Climate Services. During this session several aspects of ths project will be presented and ample time is reserved for discussion about knowledge gaps and needs for further research.
CPASW will bring together climate researchers, information producers, and users to share developments in the research and applications of climate predictions for societal decision-making.
Who should attend?
- Applied climatologists and scientists who use climate information
- Climate extension specialists and communicators of climate information
- Decision-makers who utilize climate predictions, products, and services
- Developers and providers of climate data, forecasts, applications, and tools
- Emergency management personnel
- Forestry, wildlife, and landscape conservation specialists
- Health community providers and researchers
- International organizations
- Social scientists who work with climate information users and stakeholders
- Water and natural resource managers
- Tribal leaders and community environmental and emergency preparedness coordinators
The theme of ECCA 2017 is ‘Our Climate Ready Future’. Our vision is that this conference will inspire and enable people to work together to discover and deliver positive climate adaptation solutions that can strengthen society, revitalise local economies and enhance the environment. We will bring together the people who will deliver action on the ground – from business, industry, NGOs, local government and communities – to share knowledge, ideas and experience with researchers and policymakers. Set in the cultural city of Glasgow, at the heart of a city-region that is putting climate adaptation and climate justice at the core of decision-making, ECCA 2017 offers a unique opportunity to visit many innovative local adaptation projects and share experience of how climate adaptation can work in practice.
ECCA 2017 is held in Europe but the focus will be global. Participants from over 60 countries on five continents have already registered their interest or submitted abstracts, and we expect the presentations and sessions to be fully international in scope
The 4th International Conference on Energy & Meteorology (ICEM) is a unique chance for the energy industry and the meteorological sector to connect, exchange knowledge, and work together. At the 4th ICEM, through targeted workshops, panel discussions with international experts, and brainstorming sessions, you will be able to plant the seeds for new business opportunities and interact with an international community of energy specialists, economists, scientists, and policymakers working at the thriving nexus of energy with weather and climate.
The UN Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) and the EU-funded CARISMA project on innovation for climate change mitigation jointly organise a summer school course on climate change mitigation. The course will take place from 14 through 18 August 2017 as part of the Radboud Summer School programme in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. The course is targeted at post-graduates, PhD students or junior professionals in public service working on the topic of climate change mitigation.
Climate change mitigation, i.e. human intervention to reduce greenhouse gas emissions or enhance sinks of greenhouse gases, is firmly on the international policy agenda since the Paris Agreement of December 2015. For meeting the Paris Agreement goals, an acceleration will be required of global development, deployment and diffusion of technologies and practices for mitigation. The summer school course will take a multidisciplinary perspective and discuss climate mitigation technologies, practices, costs and benefits as well as related policies and needed governance.
The course starts with an introduction on technology transfer for climate change mitigation: what are potential technology options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, what are their climate footprints, what are cost items to consider, how to enhance public acceptance, and what R&D activities exist (are needed) to accelerate development, deployment and diffusion of technology options?
As part of the course, an interactive workshop will be organised by the UN Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN), introducing students into technology transfer practice, with a specific focus on developing countries. Based on concrete examples, students will work in small groups on case studies about how to prioritise sectors and technologies for mitigation within different country contexts. The final part of the programme contains lectures on policies and governance for technologies for mitigation, including a key note lecture by a senior policy practitioner on technology transfer from an international climate policy and negotiation perspective.
The deadline for application for the summer school course is June 1, 2017 with an early-bird registration open till May 9, 2017
Unique Conferences Canada, the leading Canadian research conference organizer and the International Center for Research & Development, the premier conference organizer in Asia are proud to announce the Sixth International Conference on Climate Change Adaptation 2017 (CCA 2017) will be held on 16-17 September ,2017 at the Chestnut Conference Centre,University of Toronto,Canada.
Climate Change Adaptation 2017 is an interactive platform to connect and reconnect colleagues around the world. You can meet participants from 2012, 2013, 2014,2015 and 2016 conferences as well as new participants in this conference. CCA 2017 conference is the premier knowledge building event in Canada.
Climate Change Adaptation is your place for building relationships with others who excel in Adaptation strategies. Learn about best practices, and establish network with future collaborators in the Climate Change domain.
Climate change observation, and Earth system modeling, paleoclimate, limited area modeling, and climate change application scientists are kindly invited to a three-day symposium “Earth’s Climate Change: Science and Impacts,” organized by the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 11-13 October 2017, in Belgrade, Serbia. Following keynote talks by invited speakers, session will be held on what recent observations are telling us, Earth climate system modeling issues, lessons for the future we have from past climate, such as from the Eemian interglacial period, regional climate modeling, addressing Mediterranean / South-eastern Europe in particular, and climate change impact we can expect on vital issues of water, agriculture, energy, economy, health. Among others, keynote talks of James Hansen and André Berger are expected. Following the symposium an excursion to the “Culture and Science Center Milutin Milanković” in Dalj, Croatia, is planned for interested participants, on Saturday, October 14, with an appropriate program. The Center is located in a renovated Milutin Milanković family home, now housing a variety of exhibits related to Milanković’s life and work.
Impacts World is the leading international conference covering the diversity and depth of climate-impacts research today. IW2017 follows on from the inaugural Impacts World 2013, held in Potsdam, Germany, which brought together impacts researchers and stakeholders from across the spectrum of impacted sectors, initiating an era of truly integrated cross-sectoral climate-impacts research.
Impacts World showcases not only the very latest in our scientific understanding impacts of climate change, placing a particular focus on the most pertinent and pressing political questions of the day, but shines a spotlight on the challenges that lie ahead for this research community, and offers ample time for in-depth discussions and dedicated working groups. In 2017, the confrence will be dedicated to counting the true costs of climate change, by considering four key challenges for aggregating and quantifying climate-change risks and impacts.
There is no participant fee for Impacts World 2017.
The call for workshops is now open. Submit your proposal by 22 March, 2017.
Following the successful ESA DUE GlobTemperature (www.globtemperature.info) User Consultation Meetings (UCMs), a 5th consultation meeting has linked-up with the H2020 EUSTACE (www.eustaceproject.eu) project to deliver a joint workshop for the satellite and air surface temperature communities to share experiences and review developments with a particular focus on climate requirements. The aim of the EUSTACE Project is to give publicly available daily estimates of surface air temperature since 1850 across the globe for the first time by combining surface and satellite data using novel statistical techniques. By bringing the satellite and climate and impact modelling communities together the meeting aims to cultivate communication between users and data providers, providing a forum to develop strategies and collaborations to maximise the use of surface temperature data for the long term.
The meeting is open to all who are interested in attending, and there will be no registration fee.
The registration site is open now: http://ucm5.globtemperature.info/