Events Calendar

A calendar of international conferences, workshops, seminars, and all kinds of event related to Climateurope activities and topics: Climate Services, Climate Observation, and Earth-System modeling

February – July 2018 Feb – Jul 2018
“Informing and supporting climate policy: the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA)” @ Webinar online
Feb 26 @ 12:30 pm – 1:20 pm
Speaker: Silvia Medri, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici
Moderator: Valentina Giannini, Fondazione Centro Euro-Mediterraneo sui Cambiamenti Climatici

Since 2011, CMCC coordinates the European Topic Centre on Climate Change impacts, vulnerability and Adaptation (ETC/CCA,, funded by the European Environment Agency (EEA, The centre assists the EEA in supporting and informing policy development and implementation in the area of climate change impacts, vulnerability and adaptation, the main supported policy process being the EU Climate Change Adaptation Strategy.
In this seminar Silvia Medri, current ETC/CCA coordinator, illustrates the role of the CMCC Foundation in this European activity, with a focus on the European Climate Adaptation Platform (Climate-ADAPT,, the main European Web Portal for climate change adaptation information in Europe. In addition she will present CMCC work on various thematic assessments on key themes, such as the coherence of climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction, and urban adaptation to climate change, aimed at supporting a science based policy making process.
Working language: English

To join the Webinar, please click here. After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.
To participate in the Q&A Session, you can use the chat room provided by the Go-to-Webinar system.

For further information, please visit the webinar web page

Climateurope Webinars 2018 – “Interaction with users during the development of climate scenarios”
Apr 18 @ 10:30 am – 11:30 am


“Interaction with users during the development of climate scenarios” by Fai Fung and Maurice Skelton

As Climateurope we’re happy to announce a new series of webinars. The first one will be on the interaction with users during the development of national climate scenarios. These are generally developed to create awareness of the potential impact of climate change and to support adaptation. They are made for society, and therefore it seems logical to involve potential users/stakeholders. This can be done already during the development of the scenarios or afterwards during the dissemination of the scenarios. During this webinar some short presentations will be given on experiences and lessons learned is some countries (Fai Fung from the UK and Maurice Skelton from Switzerland). After this we will discuss further on this subject: What drives the institutions that develop climate scenarios to interact with users? What is the influence of the institutional framework and the objectives of the scenarios? What are the challenges and lessons learned during the interaction with users?


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

10th International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses @ University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, USA
Apr 20 – Apr 21 all-day
Resilient Cities 2018 @ Gustav-Stresemann-Institut (GSI) Bonn, Germany
Apr 26 – Apr 28 all-day
Conference on Sea, Port, City 2018 @ Zhoushan, China
May 1 all-day
Sustainable Tourism 2018 @ Vienna
May 2 – May 4 all-day
Climateurope Webinars 2018 – “Developing climate services in Scandinavia”
May 2 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm


”Production and use of regional climate model projections at SMHI – A Swedish perspective on building climate services” by Erik Kjellström, Rossby Centre, SMHI

“Developing Climate Services in Norway: inspiring dialogue to improve climate services via a hackathon-like workshop” by Stefan Sobolowski,Uni Research Climate & the Bjerknes Centre for Climate Research, Norway


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management? – Climateurope Webinars 2018
May 16 @ 2:30 pm – 3:30 pm


“Can block chains have a role in climate data quality management?”

Tommi A. Vuorenmaa, Founder and CEO of Rayleigh Research, Helsinki, Finland

Carlo Buontempo, sectoral information system manager at the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), Reading, UK
Jesse M. Keenan, member of the faculty, Area Head and Director of Real Estate and the Built Environment at the Graduate School of Design at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA.

Sandro Fiore, Director  Advanced Scientific Computing Division, CMCC Foundation, Italy


The webinar is organized in collaboration with the project EU MACS  and with the support of CMCC Foundation

For national and international climate data services it is quite a challenge to generate transparent complete and nevertheless compact information on the quality of datasets and their suitable application domains. Next to statistical properties of the dataset and its variables as such, the tractability of the data generation process is important. In many cases it is impossible that uncertainty indicators compound the cumulated effects of the data (re)processing, hence the importance of sufficient clarification of the data generation process. In the EU-MACS (European Market for Climate Services) project was clarified that insufficient quality management or insufficient communication about the quality can substantially reduce the use of data services and may also mean that users resort to simpler lower quality data.

Blockchains technology could be of help in the management of tractability of data generation pathways. Essentially, blockchains enable the provision of watertight evidence on how the current condition of an informational product has been generated via all previous transaction (processing) steps. To this end, blockchains need support from protocols that certify the reported state of the information in a designated transaction step. In other words, the applicability of blockchain technology depends to a large extent on the ability to describe unambiguously and consistently underlying processes on the basis of shared principles and standards.

The webinar’s main presenter Tommi Vuorenmaa will first clarify the properties and prerequisites of blockchain technology, and provide some thoughts on the application in the field of climate data services. Subsequently, the discussants Carlo Buontempo and Jesse Keenan will provide some first comments, after which others in the audience can submit question


To join the Webinar, please click here. After your registration, you will receive a confirmation email and information on how to join the webinar.


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers, and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps, and recommendations and discover the state of the art of climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series is organized once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centered in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research community.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information on the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

Exploring ways of international cooperation in climate services for Africa @ Cape Town International Convention Center (CTICC) Level 2, Room 2.4.
Jun 18 @ 9:00 am – 10:00 am

A JPI Climate side event in the context of this year’s Adaptation Futures conference in South Africa.

The workshop “Exploring ways of international cooperation in climate services for Africa” will highlight elements of ERA4CS and some of its 26 climate services projects with a focus on Africa. It will also present the outline of the recently started project SINCERE that is intended to strengthen international research cooperation with a special focus on Africa and Latin America. It involves more than 20 partners, including the African Academy of Science and builds upon existing international networks in climate services provision like for example SASSCAL and WASCAL. The objective of this workshop is to discuss with researchers as well as research funding organisations and policy makers on enhanced ways of international cooperation in the field of climate services.
JPI Climate together with SINCERE and ERA4CS projects will be present with booth Nr 47 at the exhibition zone throughout the Conference.

Join our booth 47 to MEET and GREET, MATCH and PROCEED!

Please see our flyer and programme of the side event here

Climateurope Webinar 2018: “Typologies of climate services products” @ Webex
Jul 3 @ 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm


When looking at the definition of “ Climate Services”  many different products or services can be considered Climate Services, also many products that were not called climate services in earlier times. This complicates getting overview of what is developed and available in countries, in Europe or worldwide. It also complicates analysis of potential gaps between offered climate services and user requirements. Climate services can be grouped in many different ways: by sector, type of user (and requirements) focussed on, type of product delivered (e.g. basic climate data for the current climate, information on impacts of climate change, tools for visualisation of information), type of provider, etc. In several projects some distinction is made between various types of climate services (e.g. C3S, EU-MACS, Climate Knowledge Hub, ClimateAdapt). However, what typologies are most useful for users, for providers, to analyse potential gaps in available climate services? This webinar is meant to get some different views on what are useful typologies for climate services. After some short presentations we would like to discuss this further: How do potential users look for climate services and would this give useful criteria for a typology? What typologies do not work for users or providers?


The following persons will give a presentation:

  • Albert Klein Tank (Director of Met Office Hadley Centre for Climate Science and Services, Professor in Climate Services at Wageningen University, Netherlands)
  • Maria Noguer (Climate Programme Manager at Institute for Environmental Analytics, University of Reading, led the SECTEUR project)
  • Jörg Cortekar (Researcher at Climate Service Center, Germany (GERICS),  involved in EU-MACS, MARCO and the Climate Knowledge Hub)


Climateurope is a Europe-wide network for researchers, suppliers and users of climate information. It is a place to share best practices, gaps and recommendations and discover the state of the art about climate observations, modelling and services. The Climateurope webinar series are organised once every month. In each webinar, there will be two talks by invited speakers followed by a discussion centred in two main questions of interest for the climate services and climate research com- munity.

Join the webinars to get the latest information on the state-of-the-art in the field of climate modelling and services and help to give direction to future climate research. If you want to receive information of the coming webinars please visit Climateurope website or join our network.

February – July 2018 Feb – Jul 2018

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