28/08/2016 – 01/09/2016 all-day Europe/Rome Timezone
Jungiusstraße 6
20355 Hamburg

The Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) is pleased to announce the 4th International Conference on Earth System Modelling (4ICESM). 4ICESM will advance discourse on idealizations and model hierarchies of the Earth System as tools for understanding our changing climate.
The conference will focus on the four themes listed below, punctuated by cross-cutting presentations on the history, philosophy and sociology of Earth system science.
Oral and poster contributions to the following sessions, each of which will be kicked off by two keynote presentations, are invited:
I.               Clouds, circulation and climate sensitivity (Convenors: Bjorn Stevens and Sandrine Bony)
II.             Decadal prediction and attribution (Convenors: Jochem Marotzke and Gabi Hegerl)
III.           Modelling past climate changes (Convenors: Martin Claussen and Pascale Braconnot)
IV.           Carbon feedbacks in the climate system (Convenors: Tatiana Ilyina and Pierre Friedlingstein)

Further information, including abstract submission details and an initial list of confirmed speakers will be distributed in the near future.

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