Ex-ante impact assessment of the new EU Adaptation Strategy (external event organised by DG CLIMA)
- webinar on the ex-ante impact assessment of the new EU Adaptation Strategy providing an overview of the impact assessment and interim results, followed by a discussion with a panel of experts.
- more info: https://ee.ricardo.com/climate-change/impact-assessment-for-the-new-eu-adaptation-strategy
- register https://register.gotowebinar.com/register/5346133793676572940
Climate Thursdays webinar series on climate innovation and climate services is organised under the umbrella of the Climateurope webstival
This webinar is hosted by CLARA (www.clara-project.eu) and CLARITY (www.clarity-h2020.eu) projects under the umbrella of the CLIMATEUROPE (www.climateurope.eu) (funded by the European Commission under the EU Horizon 2020 (Grant Agreement CLARA 730482, Clarity 730355, Climateurope 689029)