Whilst societies have flourished or collapsed according to their ability of dealing with climate variability and change it is only recently that we have acquired the ability to predict future environmental conditions. EUPORIAS, a project recently funded by the European commission under the 7th framework program, intends to improve our ability to maximise the societal benefit of these new technologies. Working in close relation with a number of European stakeholders this project want to develop a few fully working prototypes of climate services addressing the need of specific users. The time horizon is set between a month and a year ahead with the aim of extending it towards the more challenging decadal scale. Over the next 4 years the 24 project-partners, representing a diverse community ranging from UN organisations to small enterprises, will increase the resilience of the European Society to climate change by demonstrating how climate information can become directly usable by decision makers in different sectors.
EUPORIAS is a four-year collaborative project funded by the European commission under the seventh framework programme. EUPORIAS commenced on 1 November 2012. The Euporias consortium is made up of 24 partners from across Europe and brings together a wide set of expertise from academia, the private sector and the national met services.