Want to know how to visualize, analyze and process climate data? Come to the demonstration of the Climate4Impact data portal (climate4impact.eu) at the European Meteorological Society meeting 2019 or join the webinar.
The short training is meant especially for impact researchers and other people with limited knowledge of climate data.
After a short presentation participants can explore the portal and get some support. A step by step guide for using the portal will be made available to the participants.
The Climate4Impact data portal is developed within the IS-ENES-projects.
The portal aims to enhance the use of climate research data by e.g. climate change impact modelers and impact and adaptation consultants.
The portal offers web interfaces for searching, visualizing, analysing, processing and downloading datasets.
Date and Venue
September 12, 2019, 09:00–10:30 and 11:00-12:30
EMS2019, Lyngby Campus (near Copenhagen), Side meeting SIM13, Room: S8
Bring your own laptop!
For those who cannot attend a similar webinar will be organized at September 16, 13:00-14:00 CEST
Registration: Please email: overbeek@knmi.nl
It’s not obligatory although recommended to reserve a place.