
Video, infographics, multimedia material produced by specialized websites, and by experts in science communication in order to explain what Climate Sciences deal with and how scientists do it.
Climateurope provides here multimedia to describe the universe of Climate Observations, Earth-System modeling, and Climate Services, by explaining how the society benefits from scientific research on climate.

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A journey through Carbon Data

A journey through Carbon Data

An online platform to explore, visualize and interpret global and regional carbon data arising from both human activities and natural processes ...


A Short Introduction to Climate Models – CMIP & CMIP6

This short movie gives insight into the world of climate modelling, particularly WCRP's initiative CMIP. It stresses the importance of sharing, comparing and analyzing the outcomes of global climate models to deliver high quality climate information, serving as the basis for climate assessments and negotiations.

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How do we model the climate of the Earth?

VIDEO – From mathematical simulations to recommendations and reports  for policy making informed by the most advanced research in the field of climate sciences. Produced by IPSL and LSCE, this video shows the technology and the multidisciplinary knowledge needed for effective climate modeling activities.


Putting Climate Services in Farmers’ Hands

Putting Climate Services in Farmers’ Hands

VIDEO - The CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS) and the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI), the Earth Institute, Columbia University show the importance of supporting farmers with climate information services in a variable and changing climate.

What climate services can do for us

What climate services can do for us

VIDEO – How can ibexes, football addicts and cities benefit from climate services? The short animation from the ERA4CS consortium shows the opportunities of using reliable climate information to cope with current and future climate variability.

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Climate information to help critical decisions

VIDEO – Many vulnerable countries do not have adequate information to manage climate risks. The World Food Programme’s work in climate services aims to provide suitable climate information to governments, communities and individuals so that they can take better decisions to increase their food security and resilience.

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