CLIM4ENERGY is a C3S activity that aims to demonstrate that there is a valuable and useful link between the production of data from observations and climate models, and their concrete application in the energy sector. This is a story about co-designing products for the energy sector
The many challenges that the energy sector is facing make energy production, transmission, and distribution increasingly sensitive to climate change and variations. Precipitation, wind, temperature, and radiation are leading factors that influence the availability of renewable sources. It is crucial to have access to information and tools that enable the players in the energy sector to anticipate the trends of energy sources and draw trajectories and scenarios on seasonal over decadal time scales.
CLIM4ENERGY currently provides a visualisation portal (beta test version, Figure 8.2) with statistical information of climate variables and energy indicators displayed on a map, that are available for downloading together with its documentation.
CLIM4ENERGY approach to develope a portfolio of products for the energy sector (source: https://climate.copernicus.eu/clim4energy).