From the Climateurope project, nine recommendations are presented to enhance the European capacity to transition to a sustainable and resilient society.
From the Climateurope project, nine recommendations are presented to enhance the European capacity to transition to a sustainable and resilient society.
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on November 26, 2020.
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on May 14, 2020.
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on May 14, 2020.
On-line training, 25 May – 20 June 2020 The MED-GOLD Living Lab is dedicated to early career scientists and professionals in the areas of climate science, agriculture, economy, social sciences and communication.
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on April 02, 2020.
An overview of typologies used to distinguish between various climate services, and some recommendations for a common typology.
This paper presents recommendations for the next Horizon Europe framework program for the cluster related to “Climate science and solutions”.
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on June 27, 2019.
There continues to be a growing awareness among decision-makers of the relevance and importance of climate information to a range of social and economic issues. To attempt to better inform such decisions a market of climate services is emerging. Such services are based on climate data and scientific knowledge covering the past, present and possible future climates. A key component of the data and knowledge,...
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