is an EU-funded project that is advancing understanding of the consequences of high-end climate change (global average temperatures > 2°C)
is an EU-funded project that is advancing understanding of the consequences of high-end climate change (global average temperatures > 2°C)
EDgE is a proof-of-concept project which combines climate data and state-of-the-art hydrological modelling to deliver a demonstration water-oriented information system implemented through a web application.
The full Agenda of the First Climateurope Festival (Valencia, April 5-7, 2017)
An overview of the First Climateurope festival, that took place from 5 to 7 April 2017 in Valencia
VIDEO - Get a summary of what happened in Valencia Spain, April 5-7, 2017. If you are interested to know more, get in touch with us, and join us for the next Climateurope Festival
VIDEO - No one can do it alone. That's why, whether you make decisions which benefit from using climate information or you produce and provide climate information, the Climateurope network will be useful to you.
VIDEO - People with science and business background explain the way they look at climate services from their perspectives. From the first Climateurope Festival, held in Valencia
VIDEO - Know more on how to share experience, ideas, and knowledge: watch the video produced at the first Climateurope Festival, held in Valencia, Spain, April 5-7, 2017
Video, summary, and presentations. The Webinar took place on Tuesday 20 March 2017, 2017. It consisted of two talks: one on non-stationary bias in climate predictions, and the second on climate services.
An invitation to take part in an online survey about user needs for weather and climate information. Discover how to join and contribute to the Primavera Project
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