The CoCliME project will co-develop and co-produce bespoke, proof-of-concepts or prototype marine ecosystem climate services and a transferable framework for climate services development,
The CoCliME project will co-develop and co-produce bespoke, proof-of-concepts or prototype marine ecosystem climate services and a transferable framework for climate services development,
PLACARD’s (PLAtform for Climate Adaptation and Risk reDuction) mission is to be the recognised platform for dialogue, knowledge exchange and collaboration between the Climate Change Adaptation (CCA) and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) communities.
The main objective of VISCA is making European wine industries resilient to climate changes, while minimizing costs and risks through an improvement of the production management (quality and quantity of final product),
The aim of CLARA innovation action is to develop a set of leading edge climate services building upon the newly developed Copernicus Climate Change Services near term forecasts and sectorial information systems (SIS) and sustain their marketability and value.
The MED-GOLD project will demonstrate the proof-of-concept for climate services in agriculture by developing case studies for three staples of the Mediterranean food system: grape, olive and durum wheat
The S2S4E project will create an operational climate service that will enable renewable energy producers and providers, electricity network managers and policy makers to design better informed strategies at sub-seasonal to seasonal time scales.
is an EU-funded project that is advancing understanding of the consequences of high-end climate change (global average temperatures > 2°C)
EDgE is a proof-of-concept project which combines climate data and state-of-the-art hydrological modelling to deliver a demonstration water-oriented information system implemented through a web application.
Blue-Action: Arctic Impact on Weather and Climate is a Research and Innovation action (RIA) funded by the Horizon 2020 Work programme topics addressed: BG-10-2016 Impact of Arctic changes on the weather and climate of the Northern Hemisphere. Start date was 1 December 2016. Duration: 51 months To achieve this Blue-Action will take a transdisciplinary approach, bridging scientific understanding within Arctic climate, weather and risk management research,...
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Recent hydrological extreme events demonstrate the vulnerability of European society to water-related natural hazards, and there is strong evidence that climate change will worsen these events in the coming years. Future hydrological extremes may be very different from today’s reality and difficult to predict. Changed water-related extremes will have important implications on the water sector and the design of water management practices. Hence, there is...
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