Video, summary, and presentations.
The Webinar took place on June 19, 2019.
Climate prediction is one source of climate information for time scales ranging from three weeks to ten years into the future. Process-based global models initialized with the best initial conditions are the main tools used to generate climate information at those time scales. However, the process that takes a global climate forecast and converts it into action-oriented information includes many more stages that go from the understanding of the relevant climate processes, the evaluation of the forecast system, the merge with additional sources of information (both simulations from other global forecast systems, empirical forecasts and observations), and the downscaling of the information whenever required, among others. On top of this, only an appropriate user-engagement process guarantees that the information can be displayed in a form that is suitable to be employed in real-life decision making.
Presenter: Prof. Francisco Doblas-Reyes, ICREA research professor and director of the Earth Sciences Department of the Barcelona Supercomputing Center
Moderator: Jaroslav Mysiak, Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change Foundation (CMCC), Director of Risk Assessment and Adaptation Strategies (RAAS) Division